Dear Colleagues/A Chomhghleacaithe
Tá an-áthas ar Ollscoil na Gaillimhe, i gcomhpháirt leis an Líonra Náisiúnta don tSláine Acadúil (NAIN), go bhfuil an comhdháil mhór seo ar an tsláine acadúil agus taighde á hóstáil againn.
University of Galway, in partnership with the National Academic Integrity Network (NAIN), is delighted to host this major conference on academic and research integrity. The conference will take place in the Galmont Hotel, Galway from Wednesday, 4 October to Friday, 6 October 2023. You can register for the conference here.
Teaching, learning, and research are all underpinned by integrity. Higher education (and its relationships with wider society) depends on mutual trust, ethical behaviour, openness and respect. There is, however, a sense of a growing threat to these fundamental values from dishonesty, malpractice, fraud, and indeed deliberate targeting by cheating providers, predatory publishers, and others. Technology (including advances in artificial intelligence) is also considered to have exacerbated this threat in recent times.
Such challenges, though, also provide an opportunity to think more deeply about how we assess student learning, and how we undertake and recognise research and scholarly publishing.
This conference offers a space for us to learn from each other, share ideas, and think collectively about what practical steps are needed to further embed the value of integrity in all our work whether we are students, tutors, teachers, researchers, academics, or professional staff. With a mixture of keynote presentations, workshops, panels, papers, and posters, as well as our social and cultural programme, we hope to make connections across the themes and build confidence in each of our communities of practice.
We also wish to acknowledge the support of the HEA’s National Forum in hosting this first conference on Academic and Research Integrity at University of Galway, under the Strategic Alignment of Teaching and Learning Enhancement Funding in Higher Education.
Táimid ag súil le fáilte a chur roimh thoscairí ó chian is ó chóngar go Gaillimh agus chuig an gcomhdháil seo. We look forward to welcoming delegates from near and far to Galway and to this major conference on academic and research integrity.
Prof. Pól Ó Dochartaigh, PhD, DLitt, MRIA
Deputy President and Registrar
Conference Chair